UN702: Hey Lørdside it’s been an busy winter for you hasn’t it
LS: Being busy has always been part of the agenda but aye we gotta do it right
UN702: First congratulations #29 on the UNM charts how does that feel?
LS: It’s a pretty good feeling can’t even lie. To do this for many year’s & see one of my biggest hits make it it’s still a shock in my eyes blessed to
UN702: We see Dablyfe apparel has been doing well how does it feel to be the face of the brand
LS: It’s still a feel-good moment to me since 2018 Dablyfe has not only let me try a few things from them but also the reason why the merch is going strong so yeah it’s definitely a feel-good moment

UN702: Did you ever think Get High would make it to the movie’s and how was it playing yourself in tits for tats baby movie?
LS: As big as get high is I would have never known or thought for a second that this would happen but the fact it did just show’s that a big hit can go so far. As for playing myself & being part of my first movie again never thought this would happen it did & I’m truly blessed & thankful
UN702: Are you planning to tour the city being artist can’t really do that
LS: It’s sad knowing that can’t be the case for other artist who want to travel out there. but i still plan to do something pretty soon here
UN702: So what are you looking forward to doing once thing’s open back up
LS: That day I know for sure that the whole world will be celebrating you can’t count me in on that. On a serious note though I’ll possibly finish back on the tour that was supposed to happen a while back before this happened that’s the official plan moving forward