The writer and the executive producer Adonis “Van” J is presenting all-new ever-wondering horror and thriller movies that are comprised of all new instinctive thoughts that have never before seen or heard. His way of presenting the connections of this world and the other unheard and unseen creatures is astonishing but deeply logical and recreational at the same time.
One of his thrillers named “Tales from inside the Mind of a Psychotic Pisces” will be available to purchase in Spring/Summer 2022 with great entertainment of getting astonished with his new angles of thinking and dealing with the creatures of the hidden world. You will get surprised about the new adventures of having fun with these highly effective ways of thinking and handling situations that are illusioned by psychotic Pisces.
You might have never wondered about the adventures like these you will encounter in this movie by the producer who is presenting you with the most thrilling and deeply emotional piece of movie that will definitely mark its effects on your mind and soul for long.
About the Writer and the Producer:

The Writer and the Producer of this movie Mr. Adonis “Van” J has gained fame in recent years as he has made several movies and is further working on projects in the same niche. His style of writing is highly addictive because he is a Pisces and has naturally deep connections and feelings with nature and creatures. Along with this movie, some of his other projects include “My Therapist Should Have Listened”, “Saturday February The 14”, and “Lisa J Karmicheals”. How does this Writer and Executive Producer come up with these brilliant concepts? He cruises the exotic beaches of the Florida Keys with the sunroof open or the convertible top down to acquire his brilliant ideas. You can enjoy all of his series and movies from the website
Why Pisces can write better thrillers or horror movies?

Pisces are always known as the most imaginary, highly sensitive and illusionary person with hundreds and thousands of instinctive thoughts and feelings of getting in touch with unheard voices of the creatures that everybody cannot hear or see. They have got the divine gift to understand the unseen and unheard things and voices. Therefore, Mr. Adonis “Van” J has adopted the logo for his production house as ‘Pisces go wayyy deep entertainment’.
Ever wonder what goes on inside the mind of a psychotic Pisces? The two fish swim around in a tank, trying to figure out how their day will go. So one Pisces is like, “I want that girl to like me,” and the other is like, “I want that girl to think I’m cool.” And they’re fighting with each other and they don’t know which way to swim, then another Pisces comes along and goes, “I’m going to resolve this argument.”
So, the style of the opposite and same thinking, considering ideas about handling disturbing or highly dangerous situations with quick and creative ideas that will save the world, kindness and deep emotions for everyone and every creature, strong belief in one’s self, and having deep connections feelings and instincts with every living creature that is unseen and unheard for others, Pisces can describe and portray all of these things in a highly communicative and effective way.