Amateur director Alexander Geil has released his latest short film on Sunday titled “The Black Horse”, which features a dispirited teenager fighting alone to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
This is Geil’s 9th consecutive release for streaming worldwide over 4 years. According to his Instagram bio, he is doing all of this at just 17 years of age. He plays the main character, Ryan, who states in a narration at the beginning of the film that there was a chemical outbreak that spread across the world within months, killing about 5 billion people.
While his character is pretty cliché with the fact that he walks around with a hoodie on, and along the reportedly small budget, what makes up for it is that this short film has a touching and beautiful story. The events that occur, especially the ending, which are incredibly heartfelt and intriguing. That is probably the most notable thing about this film, at least to us.
It also offers a quality acting performance from some of its first time talents as well.
The film features appearances from Maddie Ferland, longtime co-star Amaya Eitapence, Caden Ferland, Elizabeth Koennecke, and a small appearance from (also longtime co-star) Zackary St. Amant.